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Because kids are worth it

Camp Philosophy

Gimli Bible Camp is owned by One Hope Canada which operates 40 camps across the nation

Statement of Purpose

We present the Gospel to those having the least opportunity to hear of Christ, especially children and youth, and we disciple believers for living and serving through His Church.

Core Values

  1. SCRIPTURE: The Bible is our authority in all matters of faith and practice.
  2. PRAYER: Only through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit can our purpose be
  3. CHURCH: We are non-denominational and respect and work with local churches.
  4. RELEVANCE: We aim to function in our culture with relevance and authenticity.
  5. INTEGRITY: We strive for integrity and accountability in every ministry and
          for respect in every relationship.
  6. VISION: We seek to pursue our purpose in all of Canada and in both official
          languages as appropriate.
  7. MEMBER CARE: We commit to encourage and support our mission family.

There are many camps for children who go to church.
We offer our camp primarily to children who do not regularly go to church.
Our goal is to tell the children that God loves them, and show them that is true through
      our actions.
Our motivation is best summed up by this poem:

I am a minister.
I minister to the largest mission field in the world.
I minister to children.

My calling is sure; my challenge is big; my vision is clear;
my desire is strong; my influence is eternal; my impact is critical;
my values are solid; my faith is tough; my mission is urgent;
my purpose is unmistakable; my direction is forward; my heart is genuine;
my strength is supernatural; my reward is promised; and my God is real.

In a world of cynicism, I offer hope.
In a world of confusion, I offer truth.
In a world of immorality, I offer values.
In a world of neglect, I offer attention.
In a world of abuse, I offer safety.
In a world of ridicule, I offer affirmation.
In a world of division, I offer reconciliation.
In a world of bitterness, I offer forgiveness.
In a world of sin, I offer salvation.
In a world of hate, I offer God’s love.

I refuse to be dismayed, disengaged, disgruntled, discouraged or distracted.
Neither will I look back, stand back, fall back, go back or sit back.
I do not need applause, flattery, adulation, prestige, stature or veneration.
I do not have time for business as usual, mediocre standards, small thinking,outdated methods,
      normal expectations, average results, ordinary ideas, petty disputes or low vision.
I will not give up, give in, bail out, lie down, turn over, quit or surrender.

I will pray when things look bad.
I will pray when things look good.
I will move forward when others stand still.
I will trust God when obstacles arise.
I will work when the task is overwhelming.
I will get up when I fall down.

My calling is to reach boys and girls for God.
It is too serious to be taken lightly, too urgent to be postponed, too vital to be ignored,
      too relevant to be overlooked, too significant to be trivialized,
      too eternal to be fleeting and too passionate to be quenched.

I know my mission.
I know my challenge.
I also know my limitations, my weaknesses, my fears and my problems.
And I know my God.

Let others get the praise.
Let the church get the blessing.
Let God get the glory.

I am a minister. I minister to children. This is who I am. This is what I do.

The Calling
Roger Fields

Why send your child to Camp?

When children go to camp, they are on their own, sometimes for the very first time in their lives. They have to decide what to wear, what to eat, which activities to participate in. Of course the cabin leaders are deciding this with them, but in essence the campers soon learn that they can make decisions on their own and as a result they develop self confidence and become self-reliant.

As self-esteem develops from learning to be on their own, children continue to try new activities. Children do not experience success in the same way at school and often think of themselves in negative terms. We believe that every child is made in God's image and teach that He has a special plan for each one. It is amazing how children can blossom without a burden of having to perform or being compared to others. At camp achievement is rewarded based on effort and we celebrate a child's effort and teach them to learn from their mistakes. A well directed camp will focus on trying to make every camper experience a success and it is that feeling of success that translated into self-esteem. This is accomplished by hands on discovery or experimental learning whether in the cabin or at an activity.

And of course learning skills at each activity is a great benefit for campers. By being exposed to so many outdoor recreation programs campers not only have fun but they develop self-esteem. They also learn skills that they can then pursue and enjoy for the rest of their lives. Camp offers a diverse community of people and a diverse choice of activities.
Of course one of the greatest benefits of a camp experience is that children develop social skills. One of life's most important skills is learning to get along with others and appreciating other people. In a camp setting, a good cabin leader will make sure that every camper is included in the activity and that each child interacts with the others in a positive way. They learn the give and take of group living, they learn how to work and even depend on others and more importantly that others will depend on them. Something as simple as clean-up, is not only there to get the cabin clean, but to foster a team atmosphere of working together which in turn results in friendships.

The obvious benefit of camp is that campers make long lasting friendships. These friendships can often be more unique and extra special because campers are living with each other and see the true personalities. Because campers and summer missionaries come from all over the province and the world,children learn to see others from a different perspective. Children tend to be accepted for who they are and do not have to be as concerned with what they wear or what they are good at, or how they look. This is because in a camp setting, respect and caring ultimately win out over materialistic or short-sited objectives.

But maybe what is most compelling is that the reason camp staff are uniquely empowered to make this happen is because children look to adults as barometers of their progress. Much of what they think of themselves during this critical transition phase into adulthood is a direct reflection of how others perceive them. When that other is a trained young adult staff member who cares so much about them, that is the ultimate booster of a child’s self-esteem. The end goal is that campers not only make new friends but make new kinds of friends, friendships that will last a lifetime.

The most important thing that can happen at camp is not that child believes himself to be worthy because of his successes or that the cabin leaders say so but because God believes the child to be of infinite worth. If the camper is waiting all year to come back to camp because it is "fun" we have failed in our mission. We desire that every camper knows their best best friend, Jesus, intimately so that they will experience those special camp feelings all of their lives

Preparing for your first time at Camp

Things You Can Do To Prepare Your Child for Camp                                                                  

Originally written by Mr. Ed Covert

1. Arrange for your child to stay with a grandparent or friend for a night or two. This way, your son or daughter can experience what it is like to sleep somewhere new and different. 

2. Make sure your child can manage basic personal hygiene such as brushing teeth, changing clothes and bathing. Bed wetting should not preclude a child from attendance at camp; however, the camp staff needs to be aware of the issue so that appropriate arrangements can be made and to ensure the camper’s dignity is protected.  Pull ups are not uncommon at night for younger campers.

3. Do not schedule a significant family event while your child will be away at camp. No child wants to be abandoned at camp while mom, dad and the rest of the family go on a fun family vacation or have a special celebration.  

4. During the weeks leading up to camp, take time to share your own camp stories and memories with your child to build excitement and anticipation for camp. If possible, pull out old camp photos or scrapbooks for your kids to look at. 

5. Look at the check list in this website or that will be given to you with your registration and work with your child to get everything together. Call the camp if there are items that you cannot secure for your camper; we may have extra supplies (like a sleeping bag) that will ensure that each camper arrives at his or her cabin with everything needed to have a successful week at camp. 

6. Mark the dates of camp on the family calendar. Together with your child, mark each day off and spend a time talking about what a great experience it will be. 

7. You could write your child a letter and pack the sealed envelope in their luggage a day or two before they leave for camp. Tell your son or daughter they can read it while they are away at camp.  You could also write a letter a few days before camp starts and send it through the mail.  “Mail Call” is always a big event at camp and many children love to get mail from home. 

8. Encourage your child to have a backyard sleep out by pitching a tent in your backyard. This will give your son or daughter the freedom to navigate through their feelings of anxiety, curiosity, and excitement within the safety and security of their own home. Also, consider going to the library and checking out a kid’s book about summer camp and read it together by the light of your flashlight in the tent. 

9. When you arrive with your child at camp, make a point of meeting and connecting with the camp staff so your child can see that you are interested in,  the people that will be caring for them. 

Bus Information

Bus leaves Tuesday from the Elmwood MB Church,
145 Henderson Hwy at 2:00 pm
and returns to the church Friday approximately 8:00 pm

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get to Gimli Bible Camp?

Here's a map.

I can't afford to send my child to camp. Are there sponsorships available?

Yes, you have 3 choices.
If you live in Winnipeg you can talk to the Family Life Center, 240 Pritchard Ave, 586-7790
For a small fee you can go through the Sunshine Fund, 302-960 Portage Ave, 784-1130
There is also the John Smith Campership

If neither of these organizations can help you the camp offers 3 scholarships each year.
Phone Don, 642-5707

What qualifications do your staff have?

Our summer missionaries are volunteers who want to spend their summer with your children.
Most of them are not professional child care workers. Camp isn't a job for them, it's a joy.
All of our missionaries go through an interview, references are required and they are screened through a criminal record check and the child abuse registry.
Before the summer starts they go through one week of training to help them prepare to care for the campers in their cabin.
Lifeguards, senior leadership and the Health officer are all certified to provincial standards.
Caring leaders are the most important part of the camp for your child. They are for us too.

Is my child too young to go to camp?

Rather than using the age or grade, Gimli Bible Camp uses the year the child is born, like schools do.
Our Teddy Bear campers are turning 6 during the calendar year.

Why are you less expensive than other camps?

Since 1928 our primary purpose has been to provide a camping experience for children who otherwise would not be able to go to camp.  Our supporters donate money to keep our costs low.  We also offer our camp to rental groups the rest of the year and that pays many of our expenses.  The bottom line is that we want children to come to camp and hear about how much Jesus loves them and we do not want the financial situation of your family to ever get in the way of that.

Can I phone my child at camp?

Yes; phone the camp and we will either have your child phone you back, or tell you what is the best time to 'catch' them in the building. We strongly encourage you not to do this, however, because it usually increases homesickness (you may be missing them more than they are missing you!)
We also have a pay phone here at camp for your child to phone you. We do not allow cell phones at the camp because they have cameras and we want to ensure your child's privacy.

What do I need to send to camp?

After you register we mail you this list.

What is the food like?

We offer healthy meals to the children. We also run a 'tuck shop' where the children can buy less healthy snacks. Check out our sample menu.
If your child has any food allergies read our allergy practices.

What activities do you offer? Do the campers have to participate?

Our skills times include typical camp activities. Swimming, canoeing and kayaking at the lake,
archery and sling shot, survival skills, field games and crafts, of course.
Drama, rocketry and chapel times. Our evening 'wide games' are always great.
Unlike most camps the camper can choose what he wants to do at every skill time.
During skill times we have the sign-up person ensure that every camper makes it to their skill.
So in the case of a camper refusing to go to a skill, they can follow around the sign-up person during that hour!

What if my child gets hurt?

We have an onsite health officer that is in radio contact at all times. They will examine the child and advise the Director as to whether we can handle it ourselves or should take the child in to the hospital. If the injury is more than a simple scrape we will try to phone you and let you know how the situation is being handled.

Can I visit the camp?

Before camp--we will welcome you and give you a tour.
During camp--you may pop in briefly to check up on your child to see how they are doing but we would caution you that seeing you would increase the possibility of homesickness.

How do you handle homesickness?

We have found over the years that the worst age for homesickness is around 10. The younger children are having too much fun and with care at bedtime do fine. Those that have the most problems worry that something fun may be happening at home without them. We never forbid children to phone home but we usually try to get them to do it "later". Then when later comes they often forget. If they are quite distraught we will get them to phone, usually after we phone to warn you first. Often they just need to know that nothing has changed at home and you want to hear the fun things they are doing at camp. Don't let on that you are missing them and let them know you expect them to stay and are proud that they are so grown up. Mostly they need to know that the feeling is normal and will go away if they are having too much fun to think about it. Even the most homesick campers are happy 90% of the time at camp. We will make sure to give them a bit more attention so they want to stay.

Nut and Allergy Policy



During the summer we have several campers with nut or other allergies. We do not serve any food that contains nuts or fish at our camp. This includes our Tuck shop. We use only 'neutral' cleansers to help with those who have scent sensitivities or asthma. Staff are educated and trained as to the symptoms of anaphylaxis and how to give an epipen. Every camper with a specific allergy is identified to the kitchen staff and their cabin leaders. Campers are allowed to carry their epipens in a fanny pack or keep them with the camp health officer. We also have camp epipens at 3 locations in the camp so they are always available. In the case of an emergency we are only 5 minutes from a hospital.

We encourage campers with food allergies to bring their own 'special' food (ie: lactose free ice cream) to make camp as safe and familiar as home. We encourage and teach our campers to 'ask first' about any foods that may be a concern (Yes, we do have all-beef hot dogs) and to take age-appropriate responsibility for their health (Yes, those scrambled eggs are made with milk. Just wait a minute and we'll make you some without)
The world will never be completely safe for those with allergies but camp can provide a controlled environment where the children have fun and still be protected.
Health and Saftey

Gimli Bible Camp is situated on 11 acres that is about as 'wild' as a city park. Even though the camp ground is very safe our Directors, Don and Charlotte, are continually stressing 'safety first' to the leaders as they guide up to 100 excited children through the daily activities. Our Site Manager goes through an extensive check-list of potential hazards every week and works with the cabin leaders to ensure the camp is always clean and safe enough for his own grandchildren.

During our week long training at the beginning of the summer cabin leaders go over health concerns as major as seizures and anaphylaxis and as 'minor' as ensuring the campers are wearing sunscreen, proper clothing, eating well, using bug spray and thinking of others in their play. In addition to the leaders who are trained in first aid we have a full time on-site health officer who dispenses medication and is immediately available anywhere on camp by walkie-talkie. In an emergency the Gimli Hospital is only 5 minutes away. Our life guards are all NLS certified and we are regularly accredited by the Manitoba Camping Association to ensure we meet or exceed provincial standards.

Yes, accidents do happen, but we are continually looking at how we can make camp a safe, enjoyable place for our children.

Sample Schedule

Sunday night


Monday - Thursday

3:00 registration 8:00 Staff Devo's
4:30 Orientation 8:45 WAKE UP and clean up
5:00 Swim 9:00 Line up
5:30 Time to change 9:15 Breakfast
5:45 Supper Line up 9:50 Morning devos
6:00 Supper 10:30 Chapel
7:00 cabin time    
7:45 Wide Game 11:30 water Games
8:45 Chapel 12:30 Time to Change
9:45 evening devo's/snack 12:45 Lunch line up
10:30 Lights Out 12:50 Lunch
    1:45 Memory/Quiet time


2:15 Skill 1
8:00 staff devos 3:15 Buddy Time
8:30 WAKE UP and Clean up 3:45 Tuck
8:50 Line up 4:05 Swim
9:00 Breakfast 5:15 time to change
9:40 Cabin devos 5:30 skill 2
10:00 Chapel 6:30 Supper Line up
11:00 Water Game 6:40 Supper
12:00 time to change 7:25 cabin time
12:15 Line up 7:55 Wide game
12:30 Lunch 8:55 Chapel
1:10 Quiet time/start packing 9:55 evening devo's/ Snack
1:50 swimming 11:00 lights out
3:00 tuck/slip n slide
4:00 last buddy time
4:30 finish packing and bring things to bus area
5:30 supper